
There are numerous opportunities for you to dedicate your time and skills to enhance the well-being of abused, neglected, and homeless youth in our community.

Applications needs to be emailed to Jennifer Amaya at jamaya@visionsandpathways.org and Zoila Gonzalez at zgonzalez@visionsandpathways.org

You can support Visions and Pathways by organizing a fundraiser. INSERT EXAMPLES, the possibilities are endless and limited only by your imagination. If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser, please contact Jennifer Amaya, Director of Strategic Partnership, at (908) 526-6605 ext. 312. jamaya@visionsandpathways.org

We welcome all ideas and are here to assist you with any questions, provide information for publicity posters, and supply brochures.

Do you have a favorite restaurant, hair salon, or store? Consider asking them to donate a percentage of their sales on a designated date to support homeless youth in our area. We are more than happy to provide guidance, answer any inquiries, and offer promotional materials to help make your fundraiser a success.

Consider becoming an E-Helper! When a homeless youth reaches out with requests such as attending prom, joining a basketball team, or obtaining dress shoes for an employment opportunity, you can help us make their wishes come true.

We believe that Visions and Pathways’ youth deserve the same opportunities as their peers who live in traditional homes. Participating in activities like prom and sports teams helps to boost self-esteem and foster a sense of community and belonging. By becoming a special friend, you can make a significant impact on young lives.

To become an E-Helper, simply provide us with your email address. A few times a year, we will notify you when a resident has a special request. You can then choose to donate online or by mailing a check.

Questions? Contact Jennifer Amaya at jamaya@visionsandpathways.org and Zoila Gonzalez at zgonzalez@visionsandpathways.org

Assist at-risk youth in achieving their educational goals through scholarships! The Scholarship Fund offers financial assistance to young individuals who are enrolled in a post-secondary educational institution.  Established in 2005, the fund initially granted five $500 scholarships to graduating high school seniors or college freshmen. Over the years, the number of scholarships we have awarded more than $25,000, demonstrating our commitment to supporting students on their path to success.

If you are interested in making a difference in the lives of at-risk youth through scholarship opportunities, please reach out to David Walker, Executive Director, at (908) 526-6605 ext. 304. dwalker@visionsandpathways.org

Your contribution can have a significant impact on the future of these students.

Here is your opportunity to leave a legacy! By donating $300 or more, you can have a personalized brick installed in our Walk of Wishes, a beautiful garden walkway at Visions and Pathways. This brick will serve as a permanent symbol of your generous support for our organization.

The inscription on your brick can commemorate a special occasion, offer words of encouragement, or honor your family, friends, or organizations. For the many youth who come through our doors each year, the walkway represents the unwavering support they receive from individuals like you - members of a compassionate community.

To make your donation and request your personalized brick, please click the link provided. Alternatively, you can mail a check to us. We will follow up with you to discuss the message you would like to have inscribed on your brick

If you have any inquiries or require assistance, please feel free to reach out to Jennifer Amaya, Director of Strategic Partnership, at (908) 526-6605 ext. 312. jamaya@visionsandpathways.org

Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of the youth we serve.

The generosity of our donors plays a crucial role in enabling us to support homeless youth, both now and in the future.

Strategic planning of charitable gifts serves two important purposes. Firstly, it allows you to continue making a positive impact on children in need. Secondly, it can enhance your overall financial situation.

There are various investment options available to support our cause:

Retirement plans: You can designate Visions and Pathways to receive a portion or all your remaining retirement plan assets. This can be a tax-efficient way to make a charitable gift, ensuring that 100% of the donation goes towards helping homeless youth.

Insurance policies: You can designate the Visions and Pathways Home Endowment Fund as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy. Simply request a beneficiary designation form from your insurance company.

Charitable bequests: Instruct your attorney to include a charitable bequest for Visions and Pathways in your estate plan. This can be for a specific amount, property, or percentage of your estate.

Charitable remainder trusts: Consult with your attorney or financial planner to explore the tax and income benefits of setting up a charitable remainder trust for you and your family.

For more information, please reach out to David Walker, Executive Director of Visions and Pathways, at 908-526-6605 Ext. 304. dwalker@visionsandpathways.org

Thank you for considering supporting our mission to help homeless youth in need.

Donating your old car, truck, camper, motorcycle, or boat is a fantastic way to make a meaningful contribution. Not only will you benefit from a tax deduction, but you can also avoid costly repairs on an aging vehicle, receive a low trade-in offer from a dealer, and the hassle of selling it privately. Additionally, you will free up valuable space in your driveway or garage.

Visions and Pathways has established a partnership with Charitable Auto Rides and Services, Inc. (CARS), a reputable organization that offers all the necessary information, answers to your inquiries, and a streamlined process from beginning to end. The first car donor for Visions and Pathways shared her positive experience, stating, "I provided CARS with the vehicle details and handed over the title. I didn't even need to be present when the towing company came to pick it up. A few weeks later, I was informed of the donation amount received by Visions and Pathways. It was truly that simple."

As CARS operates on a national level, individuals from any part of the country can participate in the donation program. To get started, please complete the secure donation form. A representative will reach out to you promptly to assist you through the donation process. If you prefer to contact CARS via phone, please dial 877-537-5277, and a representative will be available to support you with your donation.

To get started, go to: https://careasy.org/nonprofit/visions-and-pathways

Questions? Contact: Jennifer Amaya, jamaya@visionsandpathways.org