Residential Services and Housing

Brahma House

(Licensed by the State of New Jersey)

Brahma House is a temporary residence designed to support youth ages 13 up to 17 who are facing challenging family circumstances. We accept referrals around the clock for young individuals in need of immediate assistance due to parental abandonment or other family crises. It is our mission to provide abused, neglected and homeless youth with housing, a stable environment, and supportive services that guide them in becoming self-sufficient.

At Brahma House, we help youth who have experienced physical and emotional abuse, offering them a safe haven where they can heal and grow. Our ultimate objective is to help these young individuals navigate through their family challenges and, whenever possible, facilitate their reunification with their families. In cases where reuniting with their families is not feasible, we assist them in finding stable alternative living arrangements.

While residing at Brahma House, our residents may be physically separated from their loved ones, but we strive to create a nurturing and supportive environment for them. We offer a well-rounded program that includes educational, athletic, recreational, and leisure activities to promote their overall well-being. Additionally, we provide access to individual, group, and family counseling services to address their emotional needs.

Transitional Learning Center (TLC) at Brahma House

Residents have the option to continue attending their current school or enroll in our Transitional Learning Center (TLC). At TLC, students receive personalized instruction from a certified teacher, with their work being graded and credited by their home school district. Our goal is to ensure that each resident receives the academic support they need to thrive during their stay at Brahma House.

For more information, please contact Steven Neblett, Director of Residential Services, at (908) 526-6605 ext. 301.

Passages, Whitney House, and My Place

Residential transitional living programs for eleven males and eleven females who need support as they “age out” of the foster care system or otherwise reach the age of maturity. Our youth attend school, hold a part-time job, and learn financial literacy and other independent-living skills to prepare them for independence. They also learn independent-living skills such as food preparation, financial literacy, finding housing and employment – tools to equip them to live independently when they leave.

For more information, please contact Steven Neblett, Director of Residential Services, at (908) 526-6605 ext. 301.

Loving Care Homes (LCH)

Visions and Pathways opened housing in Plainfield, NJ in November 2019. Loving Care Homes, (LCH) can house five (5) young women 18 years of age and older. LCH offers a safe, stable space for young women in need of a place to stay. Young women can stay up to 18 months and work with their Case Manager to obtain employment, plan their next living arrangement, learn life skills and financial literacy, etc. Our women have access to wellness activities, mentoring sessions and life skills workshops. All these activities help shape the youth and encourage them to reach their goals. LCH’s women participate in therapy with Visions and Pathways’ Behavioral Health Department services.

For more information, please contact Steven Neblett, Director of Residential Services, at (908) 526-6605 ext. 301.

Bridge House II and Village House

Visions and Pathways provides supportive housing through rental “scatter-site” units. Bridge House II and Village House serve young adults 18 years of age and over who have aged-out of foster care and similarly situated youth. Our young adults pay 30% of their income as rent. While participating in Bridge House II and Village House, they learn what it takes to be a self-sufficient adult. The goal is to leave Bridge House II and Village House, and transition to fully independent living within two years.

For more information, please contact Katie Swanson, Director of Behavioral Health, (908) 526-6605 ext. 303.

Transitions Aftercare Services

The Transitions program offers services to youth who have completed a Visions and Pathways program and desire to continue receiving support. Our goal is to assist youth and young adults in establishing community-based support systems and fostering positive relationships. By doing so, we aim to enhance the likelihood of these individuals leading fully independent lives.