Bridge House Affordable Housing Project
Captial Campaign

Closing the Gap to Independence

Bridge House is an affordable housing project planned for 8 Third Avenue in Bridgewater. A two-bedroom house and detached garage are currently located on the property that is owned by Visions and Pathways (V&P).

Upon completion, the new building will consist of ten (10) studio apartments and accommodate very low-income individuals. Support services for the residents will be provided through V&P’s Prosperity program and our Behavioral Health Department. Through Prosperity’s staff, the Behavioral Health Department’s counselors, and additional V&P staff in proximity, Bridge House will be monitored closely and receive comprehensive support.

Most Bridge House tenants will be young adults over 18 years old who have “aged out” of foster care. Aging-out is a phrase used to describe youth who are discharged from the child welfare system because they reach the age at which most state support is discontinued. Each year, approximately 800 youth in New Jersey age out and are often without access to safe, affordable housing. Studies have indicated that approximately 25 percent of youth who have aged out become homeless. Bridge House will help redress an acute need to provide stability to a high need population.

The project’s capital costs is estimated at $3.6 million. $1.6 million has been committed to the project through LIST FUNDERS. The Bridge House Capital Campaign’s goal is to raise the additional $2 million need by March 2026.

For more information, please contact

David Walker, Executive Director, at (908) 526-6605 ext. 304,


Zoila Gonzalez, Director of Administration, at (908) 526-6605 ext. 305.